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Concussions Center

Concussions: Know the Basics

What's a concussion? What are the symptoms? How long does recovery take?

Find Out


Concussions are common and they don't only happen in sports.

Signs and Symptoms

Know the signs and symptoms of concussion and what you need to do.

Know the facts

Recovering From a Concussion

Recovering from a concussion can take time. Learn what you can do to heal your brain.

Learn about healing

Going Back to School

Returning to school right after a concussion may make things worse. Find out what you can — and cannot — do in school following a concussion.

What's the return plan?


Protect Your Brain During Sports

  • Collisions, wipeouts, tackles, and heading a ball incorrectly can lead to concussions. Know the signs of a concussion, and see a doctor as soon as you can.

    Get advice

  • Helmets can help protect your head from injuries, like cuts and skull fractures.

    Learn more

  • Your brain controls all the body's functions, including some things you may not even think about.

    Find out more