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Emergencies & First Aid Center

Emergency Care and First Aid

Do you know what to do in a medical emergency? Here are tips, guides, and action steps to help you prepare, just in case.

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  • Emergencies: What to Know

    In an emergency, could you remember important information about your child's health? What information should you have close by, just in case? 

    Find out here

  • First Aid

    Can you treat a nosebleed? Do you know how to splint a broken bone? From minor injuries to medical emergencies, these guides help you deal with common childhood mishaps and injuries.

    First aid guides

  • What Happens in the Emergency Room? 

    What should you do before going to the emergency room? What happens when you get there?

    Find out

  • Being Prepared: First-Aid Kit

    Adhesive bandages? Check. Alcohol wipes? Check. Ummm … what else should be in a first-aid kit?

    Find out here

  • When and How to Use 911

    Does your child know how to use 911? Teaching kids how to use 911 is one of the easiest — and most important — lessons you'll ever share.

    What to know

Getting Ready — Just in Case

Can you take a temperature? Do you know CPR? Knowing what to do ahead of time — and how to do it — can save lives.

Taking a Temperature

Taking a temperature is easy, but do you how to do it safely and accurately?

Find out how

Taking a Pulse

What's the best way to take a child's pulse?

Learn how

Learning CPR

Knowing CPR can save a child's life by restoring breathing and circulation until medical help arrives.

Find out more

Keeping a Medical History

Keeping a record of your kids' health info can help doctors make quicker diagnoses and decisions during an emergency, when every second counts.

See what to do

Emergencies Q&A


    Quick action will help your child during a serious allergic reaction. Here's how any parent of a child with a serious allergy can be prepared. 

    Find out more


    Any child who might have a concussion should be checked out by their doctor or at the emergency room (ER). But it's OK to allow the child to fall asleep. In fact, especially for young kids, it can be hard to keep them awake.

    After any hit to the head, though, a child who falls asleep and can't be wakened needs emergency medical care. Get help right away if that happens.

    Learn more about concussions

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