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How Broken Bones Heal
Broken bones have an amazing ability to heal, especially in kids. New bone forms within a few weeks of the injury, although full healing can take longer.
How Do Casts & Splints Help Broken Bones Heal?
Casts and splints hold broken bones in place while they heal. In about a month or so, new hard bone has formed and the cast or splint usually can come off.
After the cast or splint comes off, you may not be ready to return to gym and sports right away. Your muscles may be weak or stiff, and your bone may need more time to get stronger.
You might see a physical therapist to help with healing. Often, just time, stretching, and regular activity is enough for healing.
How Can I Help My Bone Heal?
To help your broken bone heal:
- Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D.
- Take good care of the cast or splint.
- Rest and/or do any exercises that your doctor recommends.
Broken bones are common in kids and teens. Most breaks heal well, and within a few months you will be back to all the things you did before the injury.
Sometimes your doctor will let you keep your cast or splint as a souvenir — all you have to do is ask. You can look at it in the future, read what your friends wrote on it, and remember how your broken bone got better!

How Broken Bones Heal
It can take a while for broken bones to heal and look normal again. Find out what happens during the healing process.

As soon as a bone breaks, a hematoma (blood clot) forms around the broken bones. The hematoma protects the bones and delivers the cells needed for healing.

After about a week, a type of bone called a callus starts to form. It's soft at first, but becomes harder. Over the next few weeks, the callus replaces the hematoma.

New Bone Forms
New bone starts to form in the weeks after the break. It slowly replaces the callus.

Continued Healing
New bone continues to form and get harder. The bone slowly reshapes.

Healed Bone
Most broken bones heal within a few months.
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice,
diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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